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Distinguish between problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping Essay
Issue centered adapting: Problem-centered adapting is endeavoring to lighten pressure legitimately either by changing the stressor or the ma...
Friday, December 27, 2019
Causes Of The American Revolution - 886 Words
The American Revolution began on April 19, 1775. It was the war between Great Britain and its colonies located in the New World. The colonists, as many historians put it, were like children rebelling against the motherland; however, they had many valid reasons for this revolt, including their desire for freedom and independence. My World History textbook says freedom was falsely promised when the colonists had settled (Krull 868). The more direct causes of this widely known rebellion include taxes due to the French and Indian war, the Boston Massacre, the Intolerable Acts, and finally the formation of the First Continental Congress. Initially, the British were still suffering debts from the previous French and Indian War. Therefore,†¦show more content†¦As hostility developed between the Redcoats and the settlers, a massacre occurred in Boston. It killed five men, including Crispus Attucks, an African American sailor (history.com). This horrific accident, now called the Boston Massacre, was started when colonial protesters provocatively threw snowballs and stones at British troops. They later denied this in court. Though destructive, this situation proved useful to both Britain and the colonies, giving them a key piece of propaganda to kick-start the coming war. Moreover, the next influential occurrence was an array of taxes and acts branded the â€Å"Intolerable Acts†by the outraged colonists. Their real name, however, was the Coercive Acts of 1774. This series of laws was passed in response to the Boston Tea Party along with other protests. It consisted of four measures: the Quebec Act, the Massachusetts Government Act, the Justice Act, and the Quartering Act. Most of these were directed towards Boston, where most of the havoc was taking place (britannica.com). These laws did five major things. The Bostonians were not allowed to use the harbour until the citizens paid the government for the wasted tea and repair of the harbour. Town meetings were forbidden without approval (britannica.com). British officials were now taken to England for a more lenient trail, and their troops were permitted sanction in abandoned houses and civilian quarters. Lastly, theShow MoreRelatedThe Revolution : The Cause Of The American Revolution1898 Words  | 8 Pages The American Revolution was the turning point for the colonies that made up the United States today. It was the war that freed the colonists from British control. But what actually caused the American Revolution? Well, there’s no simple answer to that question. In fact, most of the causes acted as if they were dominoes. These events can be categorized in four periods of time or setting. These groups are, Salutary neglect, Mercantilism, Boston, and Unity of protests. Salutary neglect was the ideaRead MoreCauses Of The American Revolution1202 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout history many revolutions took place, ranging from the unremarkable to a truly memorable, as the French revolution, the American Revolution, and the Bolshevik Revolution, but American revolution took place in 1775-1783. The revolution was different from other revolution because of growing tensions between residents of Great Britain’s 13 North American colonies and the colonial govern ment because American revolution was not like the others. This revolution was not like the others becauseRead MoreCauses Of The American Revolution738 Words  | 3 Pagesas the American Revolution, or the Revolutionary War. The American Revolution was a war between the colonists of America and Great Britain and they were fighting over the independence of America from Britain. This war lasted until 1781, when the British surrendered to the Americans, As a result, America is a fully independent country and it has stayed that way since that day. There were many causes of the war, The Stamp Act, the Boston Tea Party, and Lexington and Concord. The first cause of theRead MoreCauses Of The American Revolution913 Words  | 4 Pages While the american revolution was caused from taxes, it was also formed from the effects of a corrupt system of government. The effects of britains rule was a much bigger flame for the revolution then the taxes placed upon citizens. The american revolution was an event that will forever shape us as a country. It was a tough war filled with blood and brutal acts of violence, but it was also an awakening for the colonies that will later become the United States, it showed that while under a governmentRead MoreCauses Of The American Revolution880 Words  | 4 Pages The American Revolution is the most important time in all of American history. This brought the birth of a new country and the treasured constitution. In the beginning, colonists were proud to be British. In the years to come, there were small occurrences that bothered the colonists and led to the Revolution. Other countries contributed to the start of a crueller British control. The French and Indian War caused King George III to introduce expensive taxes (Pavao). These taxes came about becauseRead MoreCauses Of The American Revolution1335 Words  | 6 Pageswere multiple causes for the American Revolution, but the most important was the violation and deprivation of rights from the American People. The American people were faced with multiple acts and taxes that violated and took away their rights. Americans were continuously being taxed after the French and Indian War by acts like the sugar act, the stamp act, the Townshend acts,the tea act, and many more(Hedtke, et al., The Ame rican Saga). Despite all the taxes being placed on the Americans and the thingsRead MoreCauses of the American Revolution953 Words  | 4 PagesEmily Thou Mr. G./ Period 1 September 14, 2012 Causes of the American Revolution The American Revolution began in 1755 as an open conflict between the thirteen colonies and Great Britain. The Treaty of Paris had ended that war in 1783, giving the colonies their own independence. There are many factors contributing to the start of the Revolution, but the war began as the way The Great Britain treated the colonies versus the way the colonies felt they should be treated. For example, the FrenchRead MoreCauses Of The American Revolution1344 Words  | 6 PagesAmerican Revolution The causes of the American Revolution go back to the beginning of salutary neglect and the French and Indian War, as well as changes in the thinking of society. The effects of these events and other factors led to pressure within the colonies, ultimately resulting in rebellion. There were five factors to the nature of the American Revolution: The Environment, The Enlightenment, Self-Government, Economic Independence and Colonial Unity. The first factor that led to the AmericanRead MoreCauses Of The American Revolution813 Words  | 4 PagesCauses Before the American Revolution, any imports from England from us had to come in ships owned by the British. Also, we could only sell tobacco and sugar to England. The British took French territory in Canada, east of the Mississippi River, and Spanish Florida which led to the American Revolution. Due to the war, Britain went in debt so, the British government placed taxes on goods so they could make more money. But that’s not all that led to the American Revolution, both the us and the FrenchRead MoreCauses Of The American Revolution1008 Words  | 5 PagesThe American revolution, the war that helped make America what it is today. However, America did not become the land of the free and home of the brave overnight. Like many wars before, one single event did not cause the American Revolution. After years of disagreement on how Britain should rule the American colonies, the colonists declared their independence and sparked a revolution. By the late 1600s, England pushed to strengthen their control over the existing American colonies by enforcing mercantilism
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Crash Film Co Directed And Produced By Paul Haggis
Crash is a 2004 ensemble drama film co-written, directed, and produced by Paul Haggis. The film focuses on stereotypical, racial and social tensions in Los Angeles, California. It connects stories based on coincidence, fortuitousness, and luck, as the lives of the characters crash against one another. The movie revolves around the feelings of prejudice and antipathy most people have against members of other groups, and observes the consequences of those feelings. The movie demonstrates the lives of different individuals from diverse socio-economic classes, who face life changing situations in between their conflicting prejudices and stereotypes. Their stories intermingle during a two days’ span in Los Angeles: a black detective estranged from his mother; his criminal younger brother who is a gang member; a Persian-immigrant father who is suspicious of others; a hard-working Hispanic family man, a locksmith; the white district attorney and his exasperated, spoiled wife; a racist police officer who offends an African American TV producer and harasses his wife; and a non-racist police officer. Instead of labeling characters as victims and offenders, victims of racism are often shown to be prejudiced themselves in different contexts and situations. The racist comments and biased actions are often shown to be caused by unawareness and fallacy instead of someone’s hateful nature. Racism, prejudice and stereotyping, as the major themes of the movie, Crash, dominate all theShow MoreRelatedFilm Crash Film Analysis1333 Words  | 6 PagesDisconnect: A Study of the Waters Family The Oscar Award winning film Crash, co-written, produced and directed by Paul Haggis, forces viewers to take a long hard look at their own biases while demonstrating the dynamisms of humanity as it takes us through an evening in the racially, financially and emotionally divided city of Los Angeles in the early 2000’s. Starring such actors as Don Cheadle, Sandra Bullock and Matt Dillon, this mind-warping film follows several disenchanted individuals as they are testedRead MoreMovie Analysis : Crash By Paul Haggis2104 Words  | 9 PagesCrash is a drama film produced and directed by Paul Haggis. The movie was made about 12 years ago and dealt with the racial and social tensions in Los Angeles. This story that evolved over 2 days involves several key characters – an African American detective who has a brother who is into crime; the Caucasian District Attorney (DA) and his overpowering paranoid wife, a Caucasian police officer who is downright racist and an African Ame rican movie director and his wife, who have to interact with the
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Strategic Management for Engineers
Question: Discuss about the Strategic Management for Engineers. Answer: Introduction: The main objective of Tesco is to expand its operation and store in international market. In 1990s, Tesco was UKs second largest food retailers. However, in 2013, Tesco was ranked as the largest UK food retailer. The growth in the company was due to the strategies formulated by the CEO, Terry Leahty that repositioned Tesco from the discounted roots to mass-market customer focused retailer serving all the segments in UK market (Mei? 2016). The first change in the strategy was introduction of Tesco Club card, which was UKs first customer loyalty card that included the information of the customers and provided the customers with additional benefit. Another strategy used by Tesco was development of new store format that served the oval shoppers and made the shopping easy. According to Alexandrino (2014), Tesco was facing regulator pressure due to rise in the competition. However, the strategy adopted by the company focused on long-term growth with its concentration on operations and capital investment. The strategies of Tesco also focused on diversifying its product portfolio to the non food sector and retail services with the focus on online shopping channel and non food products. In 1997, the strategy of Tesco also focused on expanding its busines1990 where the s outside home market via international diversification. The first phase of strategy was launched in 1990s where the company was successful in expanding its organization in Europe. The next phase of strategies was launched in 1998 where the focus of strategy is one expanding its operations to Asian market entering Thailand and South Korea (Kim and Hallsworth 2015). The strategy of Tesco focused on the liberalization of retail foreign direct investment during the expansion of business in Asian market. The liberalization of investment helped the company emerge as the market leader in retail business offering products at discounted prices (Dawson and Mukoyama 2013). The next phase of Tescos strategy focused on expansion of the stores in China and India. In just twelve years, the company has one thousand seven hundred and nineteen stores all over the world. The strategy of the company that focused on expansion of the store in South Korea in the year 2012 proved to be successful. South Korea gave Tesco the second largest platform after UK for emerging as the market leader in retail sector. With the change in the CEO of Tesco the strategies used by Tesco was also changing. In 2007, Tesco made one of the most risky moves of expanding its business to United States of America. The strategy that was adopted by Tesco to enter the market of USA was small format retail skills to attain competitive advantage. The company had confidence of expanding in the international market due to its effective management of small format stores. The strategies of Tesco are also on development of cool chain distribution and logistics systems required to manage its products (Ghrmay 2016). The high quality food and affordable fresh and chilled prepared meals were sold under the brand name of Tesco. The store of Tesco in California was opened under its own brand name that is fresh and Easy where the products of Tesco were sold under its own brand name. Hence, strategies of Tesco focused on attainment of long-term goals with the focus on capital investments, operations and international expansion. Strategic Directions Tesco has faced many challenges threatening the market performance of retailer. Hence, to overcome such challenges it is essential for the company to develop efficient strategies with a strategic direction. Though Tesco has been successful in expanding its operations, in various parts of the world the major part of the sales and profit comes from the UK store. Sixty six percent of the sales and profits are still generated from the stores of UK (Lowe et al. 2012). Hence, it is essential for the company to develop strategies that focuses on globalization and expansion. In addition, the company should ensure that the stores in the international market are operating well so that they are able to contribute towards the market performance positively. The major drawback of Tesco strategies was entry of the retail business into the USA market (Foster and Noh 2013). One of the best things about the strategy of Leahy was its ability to transform a change under the market support of hostile pub lic scrutiny and retainment of financial market support for the strategy. This strategy was never possible with the entry of the business in the USA market. Tescos market entry into the USA market was apprehensive in either the sense that the entry could be transformational or a failure. It is essential for the company to not just rely on sales from the UK store but also plan on expanding its business to the international front. The company should expand its business in those parts of the world that is well established and where the competition is low. Having fewer competitors makes it easy for the company to establish its business and attract larger customers that are loyal. Tesco has a large customer base that is one of the advantages of the company (Haddock-Millar and Rigby 2015). The strategies of Tesco should be more flexible in order to produce more flexible goods and services in order to avoid massive fluctuations in the environmental changes. The strategies should also focus on evaluation of the risks. It is not just essential to formulate efficient strategies. It is also essential to evaluate and monitor the strategies and the performance of the organizations that is set in the various parts of the world. Time is another factor that affects the growth of the company. It is essential for the organization to formulate such strategies that focuses on immediate projects. The organization should focus in two strategies that are market development and product development. Hence, before setting strategies the organization should focus on the future goals and then formulate the strategies accordingly. References Alexandrino, J., 2014.Tesco PLC: Equity research(Doctoral dissertation, NSBE-UNL). Dawson, J. and Mukoyama, M., 2013. 1 Recent developments in retail internationalization.Global Strategies in Retailing: Asian and European Experiences, p.5. Foster, M.J. and Noh, T.J., 2013. Tesco strikes out into Asia.Frontiers of Business Research in China,7(2), pp.289-310. Ghrmay, T.M., 2016. Tesco: Losing Ground in the Uk.Available at SSRN. Haddock-Millar, J. and Rigby, C., 2015. Business Strategy and the Environment: Tesco PlcS Declining Financial Performance and Underlying Issues.Review of Business Finance Studies,6(3), pp.91-103. Kim, W. and Hallsworth, A.G., 2015. Tesco in Korea: regulation and retail change.Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie. Lowe, M., George, G. and Alexy, O., 2012. Organizational identity and capability development in internationalization: transference, splicing and enhanced imitation in Tescos US market entry.Journal of Economic Geography, p.lbs016. Mei?, I., 2016. internationalization of retailing.Business Logistics in Modern Management.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Study Of Poetry Essays - British Poetry, W. B. Yeats, William Blake
Study of Poetry An Essay Study of Poetry and A Poet's Ability to Forsee The Future The world is changing and evolving at an astounding rate. Within the last one hundred years, the Western community has seen advances in technology and medicine that has improved the lifestyles and longevity of almost every individual. Within the last two hundred years, we have seen two World Wars, and countless disputes over false borders created by colonialists, slavery, and every horrid form of human suffering imaginable! Human lifestyles and cultures are changing every minute. While our grandparents and ancestors were growing-up, do you think that they ever imagined the world we live in today? What is to come is almost inconceivable to us now. In this world, the only thing we can be sure of is that everything will change. With all of these transformations happening, it is a wonder that a great poet may write words over one hundred years ago, that are still relevant in today's modern world. It is also remarkable that their written words can tell us more about our present, th! an they did about our past. Is it just an illusion that our world is evolving, or do these great poets have the power to see into the future? In this brief essay, I will investigate the immortal characteristics of poetry written between 1794 and 1919. And, I will show that these classical poems can actually hold more relevance today, than they did in the year they were written. Along the way, we will pay close attention to the style of the poetry, and the strength of words and symbols used to intensify the poets' revelations. The World Is Too Much with Us, written by William Wordsworth in 1807 is a warning to his generation, that they are losing sight of what is truly important in this world: nature and God. To some, they are one in the same. As if lacking appreciation for the natural gifts of God is not sin enough, we add to it the insult of pride for our rape of His land. Wordsworth makes this poetic message immortal with his powerful and emotional words. Let us study his po! werful style: The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers: Little we see in Nature that is ours; We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon! (Lines 1 - 4) Materialism, wasteful selfishness, prostitution! These are the images that these lines bring to me! Yet, is it not more true today than in Wordsworth's time, that we are a culture of people who simply consume and waste? The third line awakens me, and says that I have been raised with the mentality that I am not a part of nature, and that I do not identify my needs with those of nature's needs. This mentality may have been quite true in 1807, but it is surely more true in 1996. There is absolute disregard of nature in the acts of well respected western corporations. Would someone who is in-touch with nature orchestrate the ?slash and burn? of beautiful rain forests of South America, or the life giving jungles of Africa and Asia? Would someone who is in-touch with nature dump c! hemical waste into waters that are home to billions of plants and animals? These and other abominations have surely increased in the last 189 years since this poem was written. What makes the sin even worse is the fact that men who order this destruction are well respected people in our culture. The winds that will be howling at all hours, And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers; For this, for everything, we are out of tune; It moves us not. ? Great God! (Lines 6 - 9) Wordsworth gives life to nature in his words, and displays to us nature's agony and pain, ?howling at all hours.? But, we listen not! For we are out of tune, and much too important to ourselves, that we may not listen to the wind, rain, land or sea. I do not know which is the greater sin: the pillage of the earth's natural beauty, or man's torturous inhumanity toward his fellow man. London, written in 1794, by William Blake is a poem of civilization's decline ? and also the decline of compassion and humanit! y. I wander thro' each charter'd street, Near where the charter'd Thames does flow, And mark in every face I meet Marks of weakness, marks of woe. (Lines 1 - 4) London, a
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
American History Timeline From 1860 to 1870
American History Timeline From 1860 to 1870 1860 February 27, 1860: Abraham Lincoln, a lawyer from Springfield, Illinois, gave a speech at Cooper Union in New York City. Lincoln delivered a forceful and well-reasoned argument against the spread of slavery and became an overnight star and a leading candidate for the upcoming presidential election.March 11, 1860: Abraham Lincoln visited the Five Points, the most notorious slum in America. He spent time with children at a Sunday school, and an account of his visit later appeared in newspapers during his presidential campaign.Summer 1860: Candidates did not actively participate in campaigning in the mid-1800s, though Lincolns campaign used posters and other images to inform and win over voters.July 13, 1860: Albert Hicks, a pirate convicted of murder, was hanged on present-day Liberty Island in New York Harbor before thousands of spectators.August 13, 1860: Annie Oakley, sharpshooter who became an entertainment phenomenon, was born in Ohio.November 6, 1860: Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the United States. December 20, 1860: In response to Lincolns election, the state of South Carolina issued an Ordinance of Secession and declared it is leaving the Union. Other states would follow. 1861 March 4, 1861: Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated as the president of the United States.April 12, 1861: In the harbor at Charleston, South Carolina, Fort Sumter was attacked by Confederate guns.May 24, 1861: Death of Col. Elmer Ellsworth, an event which energized the North in the war effort.Summer and Fall, 1861: Thaddeus Lowe began the U.S. Army Balloon Corps, in which aeronauts ascended in balloons to view enemy troops.December 13, 1861: Prince Albert, the husband of Britains Queen Victoria, died at the age of 42. 1862 May 2, 1862: Death of writer and naturalist Henry David Thoreau, author of Walden.September 17, 1862: The Battle of Antietam was fought in western Maryland. It becomes known as Americas Bloodiest Day.October 1862: Photographs taken by Alexander Gardner were put on public display at Mathew Bradys gallery in New York City. The public was shocked by the carnage depicted in the photographic prints. 1863 January 1, 1863: President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation.July 1-3, 1863: The epic Battle of Gettysburg was fought in Pennsylvania.July 13, 1863: The New York Draft Riots began, and continue for several days.October 3, 1863: President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation declaring a Day of Thanksgiving to he observed on the last Thursday in November.November 19, 1863: President Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address while dedicating a military cemetery at the site of the Battle of Gettysburg. 1864 January 3, 1864: Death of Archbishop John Hughes, an immigrant priest who became a political force in New York City.May 13, 1864: The first burial took place at Arlington National Cemetery.November 8, 1864: Abraham Lincoln won a second term as president, defeating General George McClellan in the election of 1864. 1865 January 16, 1865: General William Tecumseh Sherman issued Special Field Orders, No. 15, which was interpreted as a promise to provide forty acres and a mule to each family of freed slaves.January 31, 1865: The Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished slavery in America, was passed by the United States Congress.March 4, 1865: Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated for his second term as president of the United States. Lincolns second inaugural address is remembered as one of his most notable speeches.April 14, 1865: President Abraham Lincoln was shot at Fords Theatre and died the next morning.Summer 1865: The Freedmens Bureau, a new federal agency designed to help the freed slaves, began operation. 1866 Summer 1866: The Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of Union veterans, was formed. 1867 March 17, 1867: The annual parade for St. Patricks Day in New York City was marred by violent clashes. In the following years, the tone of the parade was changed and it became a symbol of the emerging political power of the New York Irish. 1868 March 1868: The Erie Railroad War, a bizarre Wall Street struggle to control shares of a railroad, played out in the newspapers. The protagonists were Jay Gould, Jim Fisk, and Cornelius Vanderbilt.May 30, 1868: The first Decoration Day was observed in the United States. The graves of Civil War veterans were decorated with flowers at Arlington National Cemetery and other cemeteries.February 1868: Novelist and politician Benjamin Disraeli became Prime Minister of Britain for the first time.Summer, 1868: Writer and naturalist John Muir arrived in Yosemite Valley for the first time. 1869 March 4, 1869: Ulysses S. Grant was inaugurated as president of the United States of America.September 24, 1869: A scheme by Wall Street operators Jay Gould and Jim Fisk to corner the gold market nearly took down the entire U.S. economy in what became known as Black Friday.October 16, 1869: A weird discovery on an upstate New York farm became a sensation as the Cardiff Giant. The huge stone man turned out to be a hoax, but still fascinated a public which seemed to want a diversion.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
buy custom Assimilation versus Enculturation essay
buy custom Assimilation versus Enculturation essay There were several immigrants who moved to America in the 20th century. After the 1890 depression, the number of immigrants to the US almost doubled. There were immigrants from all over the world with distinct races, ethnicities and national groups; these were Jews, Latin Americans, Europeans, Asians and also African Americans. The immigrants came to America for various reasons including escape from political persecution, religious freedom, and economic reasons, among others. Having come from various parts of the world, the immigrants found a different culture in America, very different from their own. The immigrants were then faced with the hard task of deciding whether to assimilate culturally or to preserve their own cultures. A majority of the immigrants assimilated into the American culture, especially the women who intermarried. Assimilation in this case meant the abandoning of their cultures and adopting a new dominant one. However, some like the Hispanics maintained most of t heir cultural aspects, mainly because of the close proximity to their original homeland. The assimilation brought with it many effects including psychological adjustments. The immigrants seemed to have abandoned their origins and tradition which was seen as a negative thing. The assimilation was also seen to have helped many of the immigrants settle well in America; feeling as American as the natives. Enculturation is defined as the practice of knowing ones original culture (Korzenny 1998). Enculturation can be either in favor of ones own culture or of the foreign or dominant culture. Most immigrants nowadays try to teach their children their original cultures while still acculturating the American culture. The enculturation has mostly served to help the immigrants generations to understand where they came from and also appreciate other cultures. Enculturation creates open mindedness and broad knowledge. Enculturation has mostly been beneficial in psychological development but to so me extent it has caused psychological instability. Introduction of many cultures from early childhood leaves some of the children feeling confused as they are not able to identify with either of the cultures. Some Americans with foreign cultures have also found it hard to fit in their original cultures with the American culture and this has resulted in them feeling alienated and like outsiders living in America. Some have even gone as far as disassociating themselves completely with their original cultures. The important thing is that there should be a balance between enculturation and acculturation since they both have their advantages and disadvantages. Buy custom Assimilation versus Enculturation essay
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Sustainable development for Iraqi oil and gas in the light of Dissertation
Sustainable development for Iraqi oil and gas in the light of international law with particular reference to Kurdistan region - Dissertation Example Chapter two describes the process of the evolution of the concept of sustainable development from the 1972 Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, where the first United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) has been created, to the today’s more comprehensive and profound understanding of sustainable development as a â€Å"specific call to prioritize improvements in the well-being of the very worst-off now and in the future†(Paul 2008: p.579). Nowadays strong sustainability development of non-renewable resources, which oil and gas resources are relating to, implies that such resources should be recognised as a specific form of natural capital, and should not be exhausted for short-term benefits only (Ayres et al. 1998: p.4). In addition, chapter two gives an overview of the philosophical and theoretical dimensions of the sustainable development. This overview, made on the basis of the existing academic and professional literature, provides useful information r egarding the research in hand and helps to define the ways and concepts of reaching sustainable development in the oil and gas industry through different perspectives. ... l extent, they help to realise a process of shift from a policy of the development of environment without regard to possible negative consequences, to a political culture, which takes into consideration all current and future needs and interests of governments, communities and individuals. Chapter three views these principles in relation to the sustainable development of petroleum resources, in particular. It is emphasised that sustainable use of petroleum resources requires taking into account the criticality of these resources, the availability of technologies that intend to minimise depletion and the likelihood of other resources or technologies that can substitute for petroleum resources (WCED 1987: The Concept of Sustainable Development, Para.12). In other words, the principles of sustainable development are considered in this chapter so that they should be used to prevent â€Å"resource-use activities and projects by actors from within and outside the State†(Bottriell & French 2005: p.5). Chapter four â€Å"Strategic issues of the sustainable development of Iraqi oil and gas†explores the constitutional and legal strategies for the sustainable development of Iraqi oil and gas industry. The general assumption underlying the investigation within this chapter is that the national strategies should address the concept of sustainable development, complying with the international environmental law, on the one hand, and dealing with specific issues related to national and regional environmental legislations, on the other hand (Boer et al. 1998: p.1-3; Bosselmann 2008: p.145-148). Besides, at the national level, it is considered that the concept of sustainable development should be addressed both from the perspective of regulations related to particular environmental
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
How the Internet Has Affected Communication Behavior Essay
How the Internet Has Affected Communication Behavior - Essay Example From the essay it is clear that prior to the Internet were video games, which over time became more and more sophisticated. The social impact of video games spawned a plethora of studies on human behavior and interaction, especially regarding young people and families. As the Internet began to take hold, people began to be able to communicate and play games over long distances, in real time. It was felt that this activity interrupted family and social life. This study proposes to further examine how the internet is changing the way people communicate with each other on an everyday basis, both for better and for worse. Internet use decreases social interaction. According to a recent study by Stanford University, frequent Internet users report a drop of 15% in traditional social activities, and as much as a 25% drop in use of the phone for talking to friends. While this may be startling at first, history reflects that increased use of the telephone also decreased personal visiting and social activities. There are many variables affecting increases in social Internet use, such as savings in long distance telephone calls and less time spent in the car. This could be interpreted as social isolation if one is simply looking at the numbers and not the reasons behind the numbers. A discouraging report indicated that only 22% of Internet users of two or more years had ever made a new friend online. While this study downplayed the potential value of online friendships, it also encouraged more rigorous study in the area of balance between online communication and person-to-person communication.... 5), frequent Internet users report a drop of 15% in traditional social activities, and as much as a 25% drop in use of the phone for talking to friends. While this may be startling at first, history reflects that increased use of the telephone also decreased personal visiting and social activities. There are many variables affecting increases in social Internet use, such as savings in long distance telephone calls and less time spent in the car. This could be interpreted as social isolation if one is simply looking at the numbers and not the reasons behind the numbers. A discouraging report (Scott Sleek, 1998) indicated that only 22% of Internet users of two or more years had ever made a new friend online. While this study downplayed the potential value of online friendships, it also encouraged more rigorous study in the area of balance between online communication and person-to-person communication. A more recent study (David E. Rohall, et.al, 2002) looked for links between Internet usage and self esteem issues in the realm of person-to-person contact. Again, further research was encouraged, yet the outcome of the study was much more positive. This could lead us to believe that as use of the Internet is integrated into everyday life, a balance could create itself simply through adaptation and users' natural inclinations. These examples provide a clue as to the concerns of our society in terms of interrelationships; it is indicated that in the dawning days of the internet there was trepidation regarding how internet communication would affect person to person communication, yet research has shown that much of the communication taking place by email and chat rooms on the part of college students and others took place within the context of an already existing social
Sunday, November 17, 2019
See the description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
See the description - Essay Example As a start, it is important to define what is meant by stereotyping. A stereotype is the creation of a biased view or assumption about a certain ethnic, religious, or social group. In other words, an individual will take the behavior of one person and state that all people belonging to that particular group behave in the same manner. The problem with stereotyping is that it encourages people to react and behave in a manner that is both judgmental and biased. The first common stereotyping inference people have about Moslems is that they are "extremists" and "terrorists". Moslems are seen as the most common source of terrorism and senseless violence. Besides, Moslems are also viewed as worshippers of an alien deity, who are intolerant of other religions and eager to use physical force to expand Islam. In addition, another negative assumption that people have about Islam is related to the Moslems view towards women. Most of the western world unjustly believes that Islam subjects women to harsh and demeaning discrimination and puts them in a status inferior to men. On the other hand, many western countries identify Moslems as persons who have many physical traits in common, concerning shape and dress. For instance, many people view Moslems as grim bearded men who wear robes and turbans. The negative image the West has about Moslems affect the way they treat Moslem residents in their lands. In many cases, Moslems in foreign countries suffer from extreme cases of discrimination and suppression. One of the Islamic practices that is fought and suppressed by the West is the veil of Moslem women. The veil or "Hijab" is the Islamic dress for females, which requires women to cover all their bodies, except their faces and hands. Moslem women are ordered by God to wear this kind of dress whenever they get out from their homes. So, the majority of Moslem women abides by this rule, and
Friday, November 15, 2019
Short Story Example | Extreme Kidnap
Short Story Example | Extreme Kidnap Something clicked and my senses turned on; heart pounding, mind wide awake, fists ready for action as I started to hear the rush of wind and a propeller outside, a 12 seater Cessna Caravan. I could see two of my best friends with duct tape around their feet and seated at the back of the cabin next to the luggage compartment. I turned around towards the front of the plane. I could see blood on the ground; I felt the back of my head, and it was wet, sticky wet. I looked further past the blood. My eyes stung from the concentration, but I saw a man lounging on a red seat next to the aisle with a pistol pointed at me. I wiped my eyes to lessen the sting; it helped a little bit. I thought this was all a dream as I attempted to stand. I dragged a knee up, levering myself into vertical. I swayed as I looked at the mans face. It was dirty with red rings under his eyelids. His black hair was lank and greasy. He stood up and waved his gun towards the back of the plane. I continued to stagger to wards him, but something stopped me as I tried to take another step. I looked down to see my friend prostrate on the ground with his hand on my ankle. Tears were forming in his eyes. What was I doing? Im in a plane with people who have guns and two friends who have duct tape around their feet and I am walking towards my death? As I turned around, someone grabbed me from behind and forced me towards the back of the plane. Pain snaked across my upper arm and shoulder. My body was screaming out in agony as I tried to twist away, but all that happened was more pain. A blond haired man with a huge freckle of his chin forced me to sit with my back against the cargo door. Not too far away was the door that was used for exiting the plane. It had a simple red handled lever that was used to open the door. I glanced outside to see if there were any houses down on the ground but no, there was still only the Australian desert. From what I could see there were only small shrub bushes with occasional gum trees. There was no hope of escape. Another man appeared from the cabin carrying three items of baggage; they were a backpack of a sort. He approached us and calmly stated Thank you for being our experiment. We have some clients that want some fun with guns. They are placed on the ground and if they find you or see you they will shoot you. I began to panic. My heart was beating faster. As I looked across at my friends and they were trembling I began to realise what the backpacks were. They were parachutes. I told myself to remain strong and I gave my friends a reassuring pat on the shoulder. The blond haired freckle man spoke this time, Simple as this, you put on these backpacks and jump. I was shoved out the plane with barley enough time to put my parachute on. . It felt nice to be outside putting aside the fact that I was falling towards the ground at an astonishing rate. My lungs lurched out of their normal place right into my mouth, or so it felt like it. It was the biggest whoopsy I have ever had. I pulled the straps tight around me, and then I pulled the rip cord at the front. A small chute about the size of a kids plastic swimming pool opened up. My heart sank and I had the worst feeling in my life. I heard a tearing sound. I looked up and thought the mini-chute was tearing apart, but no, something forced its way out of the bag and pushed against my back. I saw a huge black object about the size of an Olympic swimming pool open up. I slowed down to a steady pace and all was calm, surprisingly. I scanned the sky for my friends, there was nothing except for the wispy white clouds and WHOA!! I exclaimed out aloud, as a large dark object whistled in front of me. It was Jake. I realised he didnt know how to open the chute. I screamed out, Pull the strings! It appeared that he didnt hear me, but after what seemed an eternity a parachute opened. I breathed a sigh of relief. I looked around, beneath, above and beside me. There was no one else, other than Jake, to be found. Could Frankie have fallen past me and crashed on the carpet of brown and green spots? I refused to belief that, and squinted my eyes to look across the sky where the plane was. I focused harder and thought I could see my friend. To confirm my thoughts a mushroom blew up in the sky. How on earth are Jake and I going to find Frankie now? Jake and I had levelled with each other in flight. As we neared the ground, which was about 50metres away, I tensed up for a hard landing. Jake glanced across at me, a nervous look on his face. I shouted out Aim for the clear patch and run when you hit the ground! Jake held up his hand and put his thumbs up. I looked up at the inside of the parachute to see if everything was fine, landing spot was okay, head still pounding but okay, legs sore and stiff; I was ready. In the last few seconds as I came down I started to run in mid air, Jake was doing the same. 4 metres, 3 metres, 2, 1, 0, SMASH, pain shot up my legs, but I continued to run. I slowed down, my parachute folding in on itself, scratches starting to bleed, dust blowing everywhere and legs collapsing under me. I lay there for a moment thinking over what had happened today or yesterday. Bike riding with my friends, kidnapped, drugged, woke up in a plane, forced to jump and now, apparently, prey in the middle of the Australian desert. I dragged myself up and dropped the parachute on the ground. I limped over to Jake who was lying face down on the dark red ground. Checking his breathing, I rolled him over. He had blood dripping out of a cut, just under his chin, but otherwise was okay. I went over to the parachute and tore a strip of fabric of it. As I wrapped the cloth under his chin and over his head, I had to chuckle a little bit. He looked a little like red riding hood. Jake sat up and said, I dont think I will ever do parachuting again in my life. Same here, I replied. I continued in a more serious manner, Okay lets move out, we have no idea how many people are trying to kill us and we have to find Frankie. We got up and began to walk away from the landing site, towards Frankie. The terrain was flat but it was not desirable. There were small knee height bushes covering every bit of land, we couldnt see the ground and I was afraid of being bitten by a snake. There were a few taller shrubs that were my height, but were sparsely spaced out. There were also a few gum trees that I could see in the distance and nothing else of importance. There was an eerie silence; there were no birds, cars engines, horns or people yelling. The silence was totally opposite to the sound of Perth, where I live. We continued our journey towards Frankies landing spot. Both of us had walked 2miles all ready. We came upon a gum tree, it was a large tree and it provided a lot of shade. We stopped and sat for a rest, my throat was dry as parchment and it hurt. My legs were also shaky from lack of food. The sun was getting hotter. It must be near midday I thought. All of a sudden we heard leaves rustling, Jake and I jumped into the nearest bush, because we thought it was someone with a gun. My heart pounded, and prickles went all over my body and started pressing into my skin. Out of the surrounding a voice yelled. Oi! up here. Sweat was pouring out of all my sweat glands, I lay down as flat as I could, it was uncomfortable and I was really scared. I couldnt see my friend and wished the best for him. Then the voice yelled out again, Help me Im stuck in this tree. I looked up without getting out of my hiding spot. In the gum tree I saw Frankie dangling with his parachute snagged on the higher branches. I crawled out of the bush, being careful not to cut myself again. I hoped to my feet and yelled in a happy voice, Frankie! Frankie yelled back, Of all the open shrub land I landed in a tree. I began to laugh and say, Well we landed in the only spot where it has clear ground. Jake came across to where I was standing and glared up and said, How are you going to get down? You are about 2 stories high, dangling in the air with no branches nearby. Frankie shouted back, Ill jump, but first Ill drop this down to you. He reached around and grabbed the zip on his bag and yanked it down, he pulled out a grey plastic shopping bag. He carefully dropped it to the ground; it went clunk and a crackle. I went over and picked the bag up, I glanced inside and there was three one litre mount Franklin bottles. I moved the bottles around and saw a flash of bright red; I reached in more and pulled out three big mars bars. About time I got some good news, I said aloud. Look at below said Frankie as he released the strap and jumped. He landed on the heavy side but was okay. We all sat down and pulled out the water bottles and had a drink. It felt nice, clean crisp cold water running down my dry throat. I had already drunk more than half of the water, but I stopped because we had to ration the water. We got up and walked west. According to Frankies watch by lining the hour hand with the sun, and halfway between the minute hand and the hour hand was north. Head for the ocean was our thinking. We walked for ages, my legs are sore and sweat is pouring out of my back. The terrain was changing there were more mounds in the dirt and uneven ground. There were more trees with greener leaves. While we were walking along taking sips of our water we came across a small gravel cliff. We all began to climb down, however I slipped on the gravel and tried to grab the nearest plants, but I ripped them out as I fell. I clawed my hands against the edge of the rock face, but I couldnt grab anything. I was increasing my speed; it was a 3 story building drop and I was approaching the bottom. I looked down it rounded of a little bit. It flashed through my head as if it were less than a second. I hit the bottom, my legs skidded out from the soft sloping gravel and I hit my head after my hands tried to lessen the impact. I cried out in pain as I yelled for my friends to help me. I lay on the ground with pain coming from my leg, ankle and head. I felt giddy and the world spun around me. Then a supporting hand lifted my head and propped me against a tree nearby. My friends came into view; there were tears in their eyes. I reached over to touch my leg which I couldnt feel. I couldnt see that well so I was going by touch. I ran my hand from my hip down to my knee, over the knee cap, halfway down my lower leg then I reached a bump in my leg, I continued to run my hand down but it wasnt just bent it was broken. It was lucky that I couldnt feel much pain because I would be crying out if I did.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Propolis to be selected for winter promotion Essay
1. Introduction In view of the growing sense of health, it decided to promote Propolis in the coming winter. The purpose of this report is to introduce the Comvita Propolis Capsules for the winter promotion. The report is including the research of this supplement, the basic functions of it and evaluation of this product. 2. Methodology Before conducting the market study, there were different information was compiled from some researches and reviews. A literature was reviewed about the function of the propolis, it’s explained the basic functions clearly. Also, some opinions of the propolis were commented on internet forum. 3. Finding 3.1 Popularity of propolis as a health supplement product The popularity of propolis as a health supplement product has been existed long time ago. Some of the website has mentioned that propolis has a long history of medicinal use, dating back to the time of Aristotle. However, propolis becomes common as a health supplement product in the last twenty years and more propolis product exist in the market. 3.2 Basic functions of poprolis According to the attachment, there are two main functions of propolis, which are strengthening and accelerating regeneration of cells and it is an immune system boosters. Strengthening and accelerating regeneration of cells can slower the speed of aging and let people look even younger. Then, the other function is boosting the immune system. It can immune anti viruses, bacteria, fungi, inflammation. Also it is including the anti-allergy, such as asthma, nasal, allergy, etc. Therefore, consumer can have a healthy body. 3.3 Evaluation of Comvita Propolis Capsules, the best seller on market A research of Comvita Propolis Capsules was researched. It is about the nature’s powerful defense system. Comvita Propolis Capsules guarantee flavonoid levels, which is good for human body, such as reduce the bad feeling of anti-oxidant. Therefore, the product has powerful antioxidant and supports immune system. Secondly, it is about the reputation. There are different good reviews by users on various local website. For example there is a review on â€Å"CIAO!†, it told that propolis help him to sleep faster and his body got much more healthier. Then, this product listed as a finalist for the Women’s Weekly Health & Wellbeing ‘Product of the year’ in Australia. Although it is quite expensive for Hong Kong, it can be trusted. Therefore, consumer will be willing to pay for having a good body. 4. Conclusion This report accounts for the details of Comvita Propolis Capsules which is the selection for the winter promotion. The findings show that this product is functional and well reputation, so it is a suitable product for the promotion.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Child Socialization Essay
What are the agents of children Socialization? Socialization Agents Introduction What is an agent of socialization? An agent of socialization is people and groups that influence our self-concept, emotions, attitudes and behavior. There are five agents that play a role in the socialization of children. Every agent of socialization plays a role in the development of children. In this essay I play on describing the five agents and how they aid in child development. The five socializing agents consist of Family, School and Childcare, Peers, Mass media, and Community. As children grow and change the amount of influence of each agent changes. Children will learn to develop trust, independence, the tendency to take initiative, the sense of competence and ambition, the decision on who we are, our relationships with others, and reflections on life in general. Family Read more: Personal factors that affect child development essay The family functions to locate children socially, and plays a major role in their socialization. Raising a family is never easy. In order for everything to run smoothly, each person has a role to play. Humans learn and develop to be the adult person that they become. As the child develops and advances in psychosocial development, the agents become stronger or weaker in their capacity for influence. Early in a child’s development, the family is, of course, the strongest agent, but as the child advances to preschool age, programs or schools begin to exert influence. At school age, peers are active socialization agents. School and Child Care In school children are place outside the direct control of the family, and have to learn to become a part of a peer group. Children in sports will learn socialization skills and values. Education is the process by which society transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills, customs and values from one generation to another. It happens through any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts. With more mothers working in our society daycare has become a significant agent of socialization. Families have to look for a caregiver who provides warm, loving care and guidance for the child and works with the family to ensure that the child develops in the best way possible. The caregivers have to have a setting that keeps the child safe, secure and healthy; and developmentally appropriate activities that help the child develop emotionally, socially, mentally and physically. Peers Peer groups provide support for children as they transform into the adult society. Children start decreasing dependence on parents. They will increase feeling of self-sufficiency, and connecting with a much larger social network. The term â€Å"peer pressure†is often used to describe instances where an individual feels indirectly pressured into changing their behavior to match that of their peers. Peer groups have a significant influence on psychological and social adjustments for group individuals. They provide perspective outside of individual’s viewpoints. Members inside peer groups also learn to develop relationships with others in the social system. Mass Media Mass media arises as communication technology spreads information on a new scale. The mass media have an enormous effect on a mass scale. The mass media cover a wide range of means of communication, information and entertainment, such as books, music, newspapers and magazines, radio, television, the Internet as well as video games. The mass media have an enormous effect on our attitudes and behaviors. It also affects our way of thinking. When we go out shopping we are going to want to buy what we just seen on the TV. The portrayal of human characters in different programs and its advertisements on television influences our perspective on what is healthy, cool, or the new IT item that we now have to run out and purchase. The same programs help in shaping the attitudes, values, and basic orientation of people to life. Community The term community has two distinct commutative meanings: 1) Community can refer to a usually small, social unit of any size that shares common values. The term can also refer to the national community or international community, and 2) in biology, a community is a group of interacting living organisms sharing a populated environment. Community groups can give children different perspectives. The location of what type of community you live in will affect your child socialization. It has been proven that children in a lower economic community are more likely to commit crimes, drink, and drugs. Conclusion There are many factors that influence your child and the way your child will become independent. Every child will be raised in difference cultures, school, and environments. Each child is different; one child might take a compliment as a compliment while a child with low self-esteem may see an insult. I feel that the family plays the biggest role with development with the child. These five examples of influences on our socialization are important in shaping the adult that we will become. References: 1. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/community 2. www.boundless.com 3. Child, Family, School, Community Socialization and support (9th edition). Roberta M. Berns.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Volkswagen has said it will cut investment by 1 Essays - Transport
Volkswagen has said it will cut investment by 1 Essays - Transport Volkswagen has said it will cut investment by 1bn ($1.1bn; 750m) a year as a result of the diesel emissions scandal. The troubled German carmaker said efficiency and technology would be the company's watchwords as it "repositioned itself for the future". It added that all new diesel cars would be fitted with the "best environmental technology". There will also be greater focus on hybrid and electric vehicles. " We are becoming more efficient, we are giving our product range and our core technologies a new focus, and we are creating room for forward-looking technologies by speeding up the efficiency programme ," said VW's Dr Herbert Diess . The carmaker said it would now be fitting the kinds of clean diesel technologies needed to meet stricter US standards across all its cars in both the US and Europe. It also revealed that its flagship Phaeton model would in the future be purely electric, capable of driving long distances on a single charge. Analysis: Theo Leggett, BBC business correspondent It's no surprise VW is cutting investment. It is facing potentially huge fines, class action lawsuits and possible criminal penalties, in the US and quite possibly other countries as well. The 6.5bn it has set aside to cover the costs of the emissions scandal is unlikely to be anywhere near enough. The company now says it will only use "the best environmental technology" in its diesel cars. In practice, this means abandoning so-called 'lean NOx traps' in favour of more complex and more expensive urea injection technology. A cynic might say it should have done that much sooner. So now VW will focus on developing electric cars and plug-in hybrids, using standard parts and processes that can be rolled out across different types of vehicles and different brands. It's fair to say the industry as a whole is moving in this direction anyway. Even so, Volkswagen's change of course does look rather like a scandal-induced handbrake turn.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Tapping into Local Businesses for Writing Work
Tapping into Local Businesses for Writing Work Heres an optimistic thought: writing is a necessary part of every business. You read that right. Every business – big and small – has the need for written language. More good news: most businesses dont have a full-time or even part-time writer on staff. Hint: heres where you come in. Local businesses need your skills. They just dont know it yet. Its up to you to tell them. Identifying potential clients First you have to find them. Take a walk or a drive and make a note of locally-owned businesses in your town and the writing needs they might have. Browse the Yellow Pages online at yp.com. Identify potential clients Compiling your information Once youve identified potential businesses, its time to give them something – for free. Im not advocating you work for free. Instead, put together a brochure or letter that includes helpful writing-related information: how email newsletters benefit businesses, ways to generate social media content or writing for your target audience. Then remind them of your skills and availability. Use a bulleted list to show the plethora of writing tasks you can take off their shoulders. Be sure to include website, social media and blog entries along with brochures, letters, press releases, newsletters, ad copy, etc. Include contact options – email, website, social media and phone number. Make communicating with you convenient for them. End your piece with a thank you. Its just courteous and polite. Method of contact You can reach out in a number of ways, depending on the business. Start Social media is another way to keep in touch with potential clients. Ditto that for your website. I also suggest utilizing the old-fashioned way: snail mail. This isnt a mass mailing. You want to choose a dozen, perhaps two dozen businesses to target. Snail mail provides prospective clients with something physical to hold – and hopefully keep – until they have the need to contact you. Wait about three months and follow-up with a similar message. Repeat after another three months. Think quarterly contact. You want to establish yourself as a consistent presence, but not a nuisance. Potential clients arent going to need your services immediately, but they will eventually. When they do, whom will they think of? The nice writer whos been sending free and helpful information. Free press Consider doing pro bono work for a charitable organization that can give you free press. I do this for a local foundation that has a quarterly newsletter where my logo is printed in every issue. Ive been utilizing this technique for years and have worked on a variety of jobs for a variety of businesses: Coffee shop – menu writing Insurance company – quarterly newsletter Locally-owned bank – ad copy School district – referendum campaign Gift shop  – catalog descriptions Medical clinic – ghostwriting a monthly medical column Library – website copy Grocery store – social media presence Home builder – sales brochures Not-for-profit organization – annual report Local charity – letter to potential donors Bed and breakfast – radio ads Mayoral candidate – door hangers and press releases Legal firm – blog posts And the list goes on. These were all paying gigs. Ive found once a business is aware of your skills and the convenience you provide theyre likely to hire you again for future jobs. Theres another optimistic thought.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Small Business enterprice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Small Business enterprice - Essay Example In the United Kingdom, the small and medium enterprises are the significant provider of jobs to the populace and it is upon the potential of such small enterprises, even the national government banks. In the country, such companies are not just perceived to be the job creators but wealth creators. Such organizations get optimum support of the government so that those could well prosper in to their ventures (Ariyo, 2008). According to the data of 2002, in the United Kingdom 94.7% of all the registered business had employee strength of less than 10 and another 4.4% in between 10 to 49. The small enterprises provided more than 43% of the total jobs in the country. Another 11.9% workforce was employed by the medium enterprises (employee strength in between 50 to 249). The small and medium enterprises also had significant share in the total turnover as it contributed almost 52% of the entire turnover leaving other 48% to the large corporations (that had employee strength of 250 or more). The industry of United Kingdom have always identified small and medium enterprises as the major source of growth and prosperity as it always generated significant share of employment. Way back in 1930, the industry of small and medium enterprises contributed with more than 35% of total employment. It experienced steep decrease till the sixth decade of the last century and remained almost stagnant for the next ten years at around 20%. Since 1970, the industry has again taken sharp rise and there has been no looking back. It is estimated that in the year of 2000, the sector provided more than 45% of employment to the population of the United Kingdom. According to the Enterprise Directorate Analytical Unit of 2007 (provided by Department for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform), the small and medium enterprises comprised 99% of the UK economy. The report also focused on the fact that 14.23 million of the workforce (out of total workforce of 30 million) works
Friday, November 1, 2019
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 9
Marketing - Essay Example The main purpose of this exercise is to enforce marketing strategies that could allow the manager to take strategic decisions on various dynamics in the marketing of voice- recognition devices software (VRD) in the domestic market. â€Å"Interactive Voice Recognition or Voice Recognition Information is one of the most common telephone functions in use across the business community and is capable of bringing remarkable benefits to your company. Interactive Voice Recognition allow 24 hour access to a company from its customers Interactive Voice Recognition its phone system.†(Interactive voice recognition, 2005). Coming now to the actual exercise, what Marketing Games actually means to do is to put â€Å"you in the driving seat of a fictitious business. You have been brought in by the CEO to develop a winning market strategy that will turn the business around.†(The big marketing game, 2010). Thus the main objective of this game would be in terms of the overriding factors that contribute to profits/losses of the business, and the ways and means by which the losses could be turned around into profits. It also seeks to lower operating costs, increase productivity and ensure better all round performance. Another major consideration that needs to be taken up is also in terms of competitors, since our business development and growth is also dependent upon them, in that the business development of Speakeasy is also linked with that of its competitors who lay stakes on market shares, customer segments and volume of business and off takes. Thus, it is also necessary to predict possible competitive forays and adopt ways and means that could counter these effectively. Principally, â€Å"Voice recognition software programs work by analyzing sounds and converting them to text.†(Voice Recognition Software: An Introduction, 2009, p.1). There are only four makers of this VRD in the market. One is the product
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Comparing the Great Depression to the Great Recession Essay
Comparing the Great Depression to the Great Recession - Essay Example Economists have often compared the two economic bad that have affected people throughout the world. This paper shall provide a comparative discussion on the two economic phenomena and draw parallels and differences on the two. To achieve this, the essay shall provide an outline understanding of the events that lead to the 1930s great depression, and the economic policy responses that were executed to handle the situation, and thereafter provide an understanding of the events that precipitated the 2008-2009 recession and the policy responses. Finally this paper shall provide a discussion of the major points raised by analysis of both phenomena. The exact cause of the market crash that lead to the great depression in the 1930s has been a subject of great debate, in as much as most economists contend that the 1929 New York market crash was just the smokescreen of the great depression; however, the crises are more complicated and multifaceted (Eichengreen et al., 53). The great depression affected every bit of the world economy: manufacturing, agricultural, financial, political and social, and it is deemed the longest crisis with grave consequences. Much like the global financial crisis that occurred in the late 2000s, the United States led the way, and soon spread to the rest of the world. After the First World War, the period in the 1920s was synonymous with a economic boom, and the world economy was enjoying a period of improved growths, and in a similar manner the United States experiencing high growths was being referred to as the roaring twenties. The economic boom created a situation in which stock prices rose in every sector of the United States, and was not only confined to real estate; in fact, Galbraith (16) insists that between May 1924 and December 1925, there was an average of eighty percent rise in stock prices. To maximize their income on investment that were escalating, investors borrowed heavily, but economic theory always predicts
Monday, October 28, 2019
Democracy in the uk Essay Example for Free
Democracy in the uk Essay I love reading romance tragedy books. Firstly it gives me the opportunity to identify love; how love growths, what specific element bring the personas close and attached emotionally. Furthermore it gives in-depth information about love and the aspects of love, this is interesting because love is part of everyday life and a lot of people can relate to it which makes it relatable. Secondly the readers (I) feels inclusive and as well as learn from it in order to prevent the mistakes made by the characters in the book, or to Improve relationships which will benefits me and also it makes the story appealing and interesting. Thirdly reading a romance book is a really great to relax and escape from the day-to-day world. In addition, I paint a picture which helps me create an image in my head which almost seem like I am watching a movie this makes the book very intruding and makes me yearn to read more. There are certain types of genres that I don’t enjoy reading such as fantasies this is because it is unrealistic as it a paint an unrealistic imagine which doesn’t make the book relatable and most often it discouraging as the readers do not feel inclusive. I would certainly prefer it if it was mixed with a different genre for example romance etc†¦ However it may suitable for people who wants to escape from the real world and have an adventurous reading. For instance children. I enjoy writing when I am depressed or confused this is because it gives me the sense of relief as I get to express my feelings, thoughts and decision this helps me ease stress all the stress as it doesn’t became a barding so by having this relief I tend to a solution any problem I’m going through. Reading helps me to explore different thing so by this I read almost every day for example newspaper on my way to college, I have an hour 15mintes journey. Reading keep me awake and rejuvenated as I get to read about different this that’s going on in the world and celebrate gossips etc†¦ this helps me to be ready and prepared for my lessons as my brain helps my brain stay active. I am reading novels I stopped during exams session ‘vampire beach’ and the following novel is called ‘ritual and legacy’ I am very intrude to read this book because I enjoyed reading the other novels as it meets to my expectations and the genre of the book is also about romance, supernatural and seduction which makes it very interesting as there’s different stories in the book because of the riveting, variety of themes as the reader don’t get fatigue.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Eastern European Conclusions :: Russian Government Essays
Eastern European Conclusions The year 1989 represents a paradox of the modern history. Not long ago the USSR was the biggest fear of the whole world. The Soviet Union exemplified an enormous political, economical, and military power. The revolution of 1917 gave birth to a giant child. That creation walked the earth very fast, and, by the end of 1960, it enforced communist structures all over the world. China, Cuba, Poland, Czechoslovakia illustrate ramifications of the system. In 1989 the child suddenly vanished. The German reunification, the rejection of the communist rules by the liberal Hungarian government, and the Romanian revolution, which solved with the execution of Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife, speak about the instability of that time. It was the end of a historical epoch. Ten years have passed since those days. I still remember learning to write using the Latin alphabet instead of the Cyrillic, the Popular Front movement in Moldova, and the impressive demonstrations and rebellions showed on television. I was just a young child. Everybody was happy and excited. New bright times were supposed to come, and they did, but not for everybody. People soon found that the new discovered capitalism meant a drop in living standards, rising unemployment, reduced social benefits, and growing inequality. This started the period of transition, but life would improve... Life did improve. Hungary, Poland, and the Baltic countries proved that capitalism meant a brighter future and a better life. The statistics regarding the economical condition of Hungary show that the country obtained immense achievements and important developments in the political and economical spheres of life. (Nations, Online) The situation of the Baltic countries is not much different from those in the Western Europe. What happened to the rest of the post-soviet countries? Why is the present situation in Eastern Europe so deplorable? Corruption affects all level of society, but it has the worst effects when it comes from the top. The whole political and economical structure of the former USSR is influenced by this social malady. The analysts are looking for a drug to treat the disease, but this virus adapts with an incredible speed. Everybody is corrupt. Such a statement sounds very paradoxical, but it is very close to reality. "The American headlines about corruption in Russia are revolving around two separate and so far unrelated allegations. One is that Yeltsin and his daughters,
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Use of Power: Blade Runner vs. The Handmaid’s Tale
Compare the ways In which the authors of two texts you studied this year explore the use of power. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood and Blade Runner: Director's Cut by Riddle Scott both explore the use of power albeit in similar and dissimilar ways. Power in both texts Is portrayed as humankind's power over the natural world, power over those considered Inferior In society, and power over women. In Blade Runner, the human race is seen to have abused an outstanding amount of power over the natural world, as seen by the environmental decrepitude in the 2019 Los Angels city.There is a large amount of photochemical smog from which the constant acidic rain falls, deteriorating the large buildings. Costuming such as umbrellas and raincoats, dark lighting from unnatural sources, and camera techniques such as the claustrophobic crane shot compile together to create a polluted and dank environment. Apart from the safe fantasy haven of Decker's dreams, not once in the film are flowers or trees shown, and the only animal seen is ‘artificial' or in black and white photographs.Unlike The Handmaid's Tale in which children are a key feature of society, no children are seen in Blade Runner, which suggests that the state of the world is irreparable. There is a large amount of manmade technology however; for example repellents, ever-present blimps, and flying cars or ‘spinners'. This suggests that the progression of technology was far more important to humankind than the preservation of the natural world. In this text, Scott illustrates a world that has quite literally gone to ruin, due to humankind's domination over the natural world.The Handmaid's Tale depicts a world where this dominance is also evident, although it is far less obvious. Contrasting to the Mathew colorless 2019 Los Angels, the world of Gilead boasts rose beds, sunshine and shady streets. But there are also toxic wastelands and skyrocketing infertility rates. The alarm Is described to have â⠂¬Å"got too full, once, of chemicals, rays, radiation†and the water to â€Å"swarm with toxic molecules,†all of which are the consequence of human activity and thus illustrate the power over the natural world.As a result, â€Å"still births, miscarriages and genetic deformities are widespread and on the increase. †The condition and state of the environment in both texts illustrate the vegetating effects of humankind having power over the natural world. Power over those considered inferior in society is also explored in these two texts. In Blade Runner, the replicates are deemed as unequal, which is evident due to the use of language. For example, the euphemism â€Å"retirement†is used to describe their death, and Declared uses the term â€Å"it†instead of ‘he' or ‘she' when referring to them.When Chord Is killed on the street, the lack of reaction from the public suggests that morally incorrect. Besides replicates, however, non-Cauc asian people suffer inequality also. This is evident as the blimps that advertise a â€Å"new life†in the off- world colonies speak in English, despite majority of the population being Asian. Caucasian people in the film are seen to have all the power due to their positions in society, for example Tersely, the lavishly dressed people in Taffy's bar, and Bryant, the head police officer.Bryant is heard using derogatory language, which suggests his power as a Caucasian, as he refers to those below him in the overpopulated streets as â€Å"little people. †Those who are not physically perfect are also shown as powerless in the film. For example, J. F. Sebastian â€Å"couldn't pass the medical†to live in an off-world colony because he suffers from Methuselah's syndrome, despite being a killed engineer (as shown by his ‘living toy creations. ) Bigotry against those considered inferior is also seen in The Handmaid's Tale.In the ‘Historical Notes' it is ex plained that a specific strain of syphilis was produced to drop over India, which is similar to the type of ‘racial cleansing seen in Blade Runner. Moreover, those who cannot serve the â€Å"greater good†are exposed of as if they are mere objects, for instance, abortion actors and homosexuals, both of whom are publicly hung on The Wall. Handmaids also suffer similar inequality and powerlessness. This is largely evident as the Aunts in the Red Centre are explained to have â€Å"scriptural precedent†to hit the handmaids.Offered communicates the power over those considered substandard in society by explaining that â€Å"Better never means better for everyone†¦ It always means worse for someone. †Atwood and Scott both explore power over those considered inferior in order to enhance the already dyspeptic worlds, and to evoke a strong emotional response from their audience. Power over women in both texts is a significant area explored by both Atwood and Scott. In Blade Runner, women are sexualities and objectified for the pleasures of men, which indicates male dominance.Chord, who works as an exotic dancer â€Å"taking pleasures from the snake†is highly sexualities to the point of ridiculousness, for example, her see-through, impractical rain Jacket – paired with knee high heeled boots. Camera techniques also illustrate her objectification as a sex toy. For example, the camera imposes on her privacy by following her into the shower, despite Declared eyeing the only one talking at the time. Additionally, the framing tends to focus on her body.Prism similarly is an example of men's power over women in the Blade Runner world. Although she is seen wearing more clothing than Chord, she also wears a collar, which signifies ‘ownership' as if she is an animal that could belong to someone. This costuming differs to what is described in The Handmaid's Tale, where female clothing is â€Å"long and concealing. †How ever, in both worlds clothing is a means of identification, for example in Gilead, the color red represents the Handmaids, as the liar on Prism supposedly represents a â€Å"basic pleasure model. The creation of Prism as a replicate to serve as a â€Å"basic pleasure model†indicates that women are considered to have no other purpose in life besides their sexual organs. This idea is present in The Handmaid's Tale also. Due to the infertility rates, sexual violence and rape are justified, leading to women becoming no more than â€Å"two-legged wombs, that's all. †Even Rachel, who contrasts from Prism and Chord in her role in society, is powerless in between her and Declared, which presents the idea that women should be observing to men.This is indicated as when she dodges his advances and attempts to leave, he angrily slams the door shut, pushes her against the wall and demands her to kiss him. Similarly in The Handmaid's Tale, women are subject to violence, despite t he desire for their â€Å"protection,†for example the â€Å"electric cattle prods†used to maintain power over the handmaids. Inequality due to gender is also largely evident as women are given only three chances at pregnancy before they are cast off to the colonies to die of â€Å"unnatural causes. It is clear that if infertility is a problem, ales are Just as ‘responsible' as females, but not once are men punished for faulty semen. Although women are not as obviously unequal in Blade Runner, it is evident that both authors have deeply explored the disturbing idea of men's power over women. Atwood and Scott explore the use of power in both The Handmaid's Tale and Blade Runner; particularly power over the natural world, those considered inferior, and women. This evokes strong emotional responses, and despite differing means of exploration, both texts successfully raise questions and provoke thought.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Constructivist Approach
I think when a secondry student starts learning new language for the first time in school It is very useful and important that the feeling of freedom of action they were to thought and responds. Consructivist approach is a helpful way to get a new trainee interested in learning English as a second language. When a students begins to learn,they rest and concern whould are not just for remembering and memorizing. unfortunately, in most of our public schools, The teacher was alone as the center of attention And only he is eloquent and the rest of the learning is specific to the subject matter of the book and the examinations and questions include just book content. Even behaviourism has not been implemented, and lack of the build-up,beginners have begun teaching of the same lesson without making innovation and research and thought of students in relation to the culture that they are learning the language and have no participation, their interest It reduces the scope of research in that branch. The teacher is written not only as a guide but as an absolute spokesman who only reads the contents of the book and students have to memorize the word of their words and questions are written without any stimulation of the initiative and the action of students from the concrete content of the curriculum. Dont give them any experience and just impact their behaviour.In this condition reinforcement and punishment is become more important.Student just imitating teacher and learning is done through repititon.They have no volountry to control their reflex to stimulus and response. These students continue to maintain and provide repetitive lessons without learning to take initiative and collaborate with their other classmates, even in the curriculum.The lack of psychological knowledge and no image of the culture of the target language of the teacher leads to the development of students without initiative and interaction.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on M-commerce
As defined by market analysts, mobile commerce is the natural extension of e-commerce that allows consumers to make business via a wireless mode anytime, anywhere and always –on. It uses digital cellular phones, PDAs, pagers, notebooks and even cars can already be online wirelessly, all this developing another channel of the value-added chain. It is the innovation to meet the evolving customer needs of wanting to escape the personal interaction eyeball-to-eyeball pressure of purchasing. In comparison for further distinction, where e-commerce uses the Web on a computer screen to run transactions, m-commerce uses much smaller screens on mobile devices. Mobile Commerce connects business and customers via the Internet through wireless devices, cell phones, Palm Pilots, personal digital assistants, handhelds and basically any wireless device. Many businesses in various mobile industries may find wireless credit card processing very appealing. These might include those involved in m aintenance or delivery services to homes, towing companies, food delivery, transportation services, tradeshows, etc. With mobile commerce, you don't need a phone jack or electrical outlet, and transactions basically take only a few seconds to complete.( Coursaris, Constantinos. Hassnein Khaled. Head Milena. M-Commerce in Canada: An interaction framework for wireless privacy) Wireless credit card processing terminals are available in retail form (to swipe cards) or for real-time keyed in transactions. M – commerce have also become possible to the emerge of the 3G(third generation) phones that due to their advanced technology make the transition of data between the wired and wireless world possible. The 3G mobile phones are a key step in the evolution to a Mobile Internet because the technology provides significant gains in network capacity, and speed, which, will, enable advanced video and multimedia services in addition to rapid deployment of m-commerce capabil... Free Essays on M-commerce Free Essays on M-commerce As defined by market analysts, mobile commerce is the natural extension of e-commerce that allows consumers to make business via a wireless mode anytime, anywhere and always –on. It uses digital cellular phones, PDAs, pagers, notebooks and even cars can already be online wirelessly, all this developing another channel of the value-added chain. It is the innovation to meet the evolving customer needs of wanting to escape the personal interaction eyeball-to-eyeball pressure of purchasing. In comparison for further distinction, where e-commerce uses the Web on a computer screen to run transactions, m-commerce uses much smaller screens on mobile devices. Mobile Commerce connects business and customers via the Internet through wireless devices, cell phones, Palm Pilots, personal digital assistants, handhelds and basically any wireless device. Many businesses in various mobile industries may find wireless credit card processing very appealing. These might include those involved in m aintenance or delivery services to homes, towing companies, food delivery, transportation services, tradeshows, etc. With mobile commerce, you don't need a phone jack or electrical outlet, and transactions basically take only a few seconds to complete.( Coursaris, Constantinos. Hassnein Khaled. Head Milena. M-Commerce in Canada: An interaction framework for wireless privacy) Wireless credit card processing terminals are available in retail form (to swipe cards) or for real-time keyed in transactions. M – commerce have also become possible to the emerge of the 3G(third generation) phones that due to their advanced technology make the transition of data between the wired and wireless world possible. The 3G mobile phones are a key step in the evolution to a Mobile Internet because the technology provides significant gains in network capacity, and speed, which, will, enable advanced video and multimedia services in addition to rapid deployment of m-commerce capabil...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Paraphrasing Essay Example
Paraphrasing Essay Example Paraphrasing Essay Paraphrasing Essay Paraphrasing The type of work that a person engages in has long been used to segregate and cluster people into different classes depending on whether the work was manual or not. Manual work, which requires more effort and strength to carry out has in the past been considered to be for slaves and not for people who enjoyed their freedom. The ideology was to change later with the onset of Christianity that made it possible for people to view work differently. The New Testament and the gospel that came with it portrayed work in a different light as Jesus, the son of God, and who is considered God came in human form and undertook a difficult and highly manual carpentry work. He was a carpenter during all His life changing peoples perspective and view of work from that of an objective to a subjective one. The gospel highlighted in the New Testament entails that the dignity and value of any work are supposed to be defined subjectively by the fact that the work is being done by a human being and not obj ectively by the type of work done. According to the Gospel, work should be valued based on the fact that its being undertaken by a person (subjective) just like God did, and not whether the job is manual or not (objective).
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Citing Primary Sources in OSCOLA Referencing
Citing Primary Sources in OSCOLA Referencing Citing Primary Sources in OSCOLA Referencing citation systems as well. In the UK, the most common form of legal referencing is OSCOLA (or the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities). And in this post, we look at how to cite primary sources with OSCOLA. First, though, what exactly is a primary source? Primary and Secondary Sources OSCOLA classes sources as either â€Å"primary†or â€Å"secondary.†Primary sources are legal sources, such as cases and legislative documents. Secondary sources cover everything else, including books, journal articles, and websites. In either case, you will use superscript numbers (e.g., 1, 2, 3) to indicate a citation, with details of the source given in a footnote. But the information you give here will depend on the source in question. For primary sources, this usually means either a case report or a legislative act. Citing Case Reports in OSCOLA When citing a UK case with a neutral citation, you will need to provide the following information in the accompanying footnote: Case Name | [Year] | Court | Number,| [Year] | Volume | Report Abbreviation | First Page However, you only need to include the case name in the footnote if it is not used in the text. And as shown, the neutral citation should be separated from the law report citation by a comma. Cases from before 2001 will not have a neutral citation, so footnotes for older cases should only include the following details: Case Name | [Year] | Volume | Report Abbreviation | First Page | (Court) Examples of the above would thus appear as follows in footnote citations: Neutral Citation: PI vs Walls [2008] UKHL 15, [2008] 4 AC 1284 No Neutral Citation: GM vs Nissan [1983] 1 AC 154 (UKHL) Citing Legislation in OSCOLA Other than cases, the main primary sources in OSCOLA referencing are legislative acts and statutory instruments. When citing a UK legislative act, all you need is the short title and year. For instance: Act of Supremacy 1558 To reference a particular section, meanwhile, simply add it after the year: Human Rights Act 1998 s 7 The â€Å"s†before the â€Å"7†above is short for â€Å"section.†However, the correct abbreviation here may depend on what you’re citing: part/parts pt/pts section/sections s/ss subsection/subsections sub-s/sub-ss paragraph/paragraphs para/paras subparagraph/subparagraphs subpara/subparas schedule/schedules sch/schs You may also need to cite a statutory instrument at some point. To do this, the footnote should include the title, year and the SI number (after a comma). So, for instance, we could cite a statutory instrument as follows: The Deregulation Act 2015 (Commencement No. 4) Order 2015, SI 2015 2074 (C. 130) Cases and Legislation in an OSCOLA Bibliography As well as footnote citations, you will need to list all primary sources in a bibliography at the end of your document. For primary sources, the general rules in an OSCOLA bibliography are: Provide full information for each source. Divide primary sources into a Table of Cases and a Table of Legislation (you may also want to separate acts of legislation from legislative instruments). Sort cases/acts into separate sections by jurisdiction (unless you have not cited many sources, in which case they can be combined). List sources within their categories alphabetically by case name/title. List secondary sources separately under the heading â€Å"Bibliography.†This will make it easy for readers to find the various primary sources you have used in your work. And if you’d like someone to double check your referencing when youve finished writing, we’re always happy to help.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Women's Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Women's Rights - Essay Example The considerable distinctness in how women are treated differently when comparing the West and the East is rather alarming and perhaps the most incredulous part of all is how few people across the world actually seem to realize it. Over the past few decades, women's rights have changed dramatically, regarding issues ranging from their participation in the work force to how they are treated as a human being. Although this change may seem altogether positive, the actuality of it differs from different parts of the world. When comparing the Eastern and Western culture in reference to women, there are many things to consider, all of which can be understood more clearly by addressing the following questions: When discussing how women are treated differently in Middle East countries compared to the Western culture, the difference is quite extreme. In countries such as Canada and the United States, women are basically at the point where they can dress, speak and act however they please; whereas in a Middle Eastern country such as Iran or Iraq for example, a woman's actions and wardrobe are specifically laid out for her and expected to be followed. In the Middle East, women are seen as sources of seduction that are responsible for man's inability to resist them, and because they are considered to be the inferior sex, it is assumed to be their duty to control their sexuality. As Ayubi states, "it is believed that women must be hidden and separated from men so that the males are not overpowered by feminine sexual appeal." (p. 3). Due to this theory, there is a custom to which all women living in Middle East countries are expected to abide by - veiling. Veiling is a custom which involves the woman covering her entire body (including hair) except for the hands and face. It has become a symbol of female virtue and obedience to Allah - the Arabic name for God - and is a crucial part of the Islamic code which stresses sexual segregation. Spivey (n.d.) wrote that women are expected to dress this way due to the fact that women are merely "sexual beings who need to be controlled." Men and women are considered to be in two 'separate sphe res'; with men's role being in the 'public sphere', and women's in the 'private sphere'. Women veil themselves when they go outside, onto the street, or into shops, because they have entered the 'male sphere'. This way they are considered 'invisible' and show that they respect the men, and that they understand they are in man's domain. Middle Eastern society revolves primly around the concept of public morality. Honour and respect are of the utmost important in this type of society, and upholding this honour for the family is a vital responsibility. This is believed by some - mostly men - to be a reasonable explanation as to why women are expecte
Consequences of Immoral Behaviors Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Consequences of Immoral Behaviors - Assignment Example According to Donner (2007), American Psychological Association ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct requires all information given to a psychologist in the cause of his or her professional work be kept in private. As a professional, a forensic psychologist should be able to protect information provided in a professional relationship. It is wrong for a psychologist to allow private information relayed to them to be disclosed to a legal system. A forensic psychologist would have to weigh their decision and consider whether this would harm the prisoner. The inmate gives much trust to the psychologist by admitting to him that he took the blame for his son’s assault to a 17 year old friend. Under no circumstances should the psychologist give this information to a third party. The plaintiff did not protest against the father’s decision to own up his son’s mistake. The process of decision-making is to a large extent based on ethics. A psychologist sho uld be aware of ethics related concerns in a given situation. An informed decision can be arrived at only if there is a clear understanding of these concerns. The psychologist should be able to determine ethics based priorities. Self-honesty is fundamental for the purposes of decision-making. Priorities should be determined on the best interest of the inmate, professional code of ethics and the benefit to society. For example, in a case Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California, the court held that the protection privileges ends where public peril begins (Buckner & Firestone, 2000). Period of deliberation also comes in hand when dealing with the question on ethics and confidentiality since they are not easily answered. A forensic psychologist should be able to make any ethical decision and take responsibility for that choice. There may be consequences likely to occur as a result of the verdict taken. In this case, the person who committed
Friday, October 18, 2019
Recommendation for a Jewish School and Synagogue for Students with Essay
Recommendation for a Jewish School and Synagogue for Students with Disabilities - Essay Example Public schools are supposed to provide a certain percentage of their funding for needy students in private schools, and the Jewish schools can benefit from the information provided by an IEP in terms of the difficulties faced by the needy students. In spite of this, parents are often reluctant to share the IEP of their children with disabilities. Therefore, one way of supporting students with disabilities in Jewish schools is for the parents and guardians of students with disabilities to provide their IEP. Most parents fail to see the relevance of the IEP in their children’s Jewish education, especially in schools where only Hebrew and Judaics is taught. Parents must provide information that may assist those teachers to provide learning experience for their child that is effective (Reamer 185). According to Reamer 102), another thing that needs to be done in such schools is to take measures for countering stigmatization. Most parents are reluctant to take their disabled childr en to Jewish schools as they feel that their child will be labeled. Parents say that they wish their child to be in a place where the child will not be singled out for labeling and where he can feel positively about his Judaism. The parents are not interested in reading and writing Hebrew, but with the maintenance of the Jewish connection. The school should therefore come up with a policy that discourages labeling of students as with disabilities and also encourage parents to instill self confidence in their children to avoid the effects of stigmatization. One problem facing many Jewish schools is the qualification of their staff members. Most do not have staff members who are special educators. The special educators are adequately trained to handle children with a wide range of disorders and disabilities, therefore giving them a better chance of successfully teaching the children what they have to learn. Hence, for a Jewish school and synagogue to support the inclusion of students with disabilities, they must employ trained special educators as part of their staff. Despite supplemental Jewish education programs such as these schools providing excellent Jewish experiences, parents wishing their special need children to have a Jewish environment everyday often have to fend for themselves with little school support. Those with the ability to afford it have to hire tutors and shadows, a solution that has not always been successful. In most cases, the parents have to make that difficult choice of taking their children out of Jewish schools. Thus to avoid this, the Jewish school and synagogue should provide the necessary support to parents of their students to ensure that raising and educating children with disabilities is not a wholesome burden (Reamer 322). In order to initiate services for students with special needs, the staff and school administration of a Jewish school and synagogue should follow certain laid down guidelines for all learning disabilities. One vital guideline is understanding that both social and academic behaviors of students with disabilities are symptoms of a disability and not flaws in characters or intentional acts. The teachers should allow time extensions for the completion of assignments and tests, and should not be impatient in case of delays in the completion of homework and such. They should also apply the use
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